I was recently in downtown and saw an advertisement for a new building in the Vancouver area. They are planning to complete the project by 2014. The building will be an impressive 45 stories tall, with condos starting from the 20th floor and up, and a hotel below that. Although not the tallest building per-se, Metrovan says “Simply put, there is no high-rise residence that sits higher above sea level anywhere in Greater Vancouver.” I was intrigued so I decided to go take a picture of the construction site.
They haven’t done much building yet, but at least they won’t have to worry about running out of funds because all units in the building have already been Sold Out. Prices ranged from $259,900 for a 388 sqft studio to $429,900 for a 2 bedroom condo, and with a total of 202 residential units sold, that’s a lot of money going into the developer’s bank account. Makes me feel kind of poor. Maybe some day I will have enough money to buy a luxury condo myself. The price seems a bit high, but the special 1.9% mortgage interest rate sure is tempting isn’t it?
Hmm where is this supposed to be built? I haven't seen that sign yet myself.
wow $259,000 for a 388 sq foot studio?? that's highway robbery to live in a shoebox 🙁
Across the street from Metrotown. Yup, it's expensive.
$259,900 for a 388 sqft. This is madness.
I know, home prices in Vancouver are just going higher and higher.