Fiscal Update – Feb 2012

February was a pretty average month. There were no unexpected expenses and I didn’t overspend on my budget. Starting March, the income for my part-time job will be reduced by half because they’ve cut my hours due to the school’s scheduling. Which means I can spend some extra time sleeping, or doing something equally productive ┐(‘~`;)┌  The big rally in the stock markets in Feb and my savings are the main reasons for the positive movement in my net worth.
*Side Income:
  • Part-Time Work = $800
  • Dividends = $200

*Discretionary Spending:

  • Eating Out = $100
  • Others = $100

*Net Worth: (MoM)

  • Assets:
  • Cash = $4,000 (+$1,900)
  • Stocks = $72,500 (+$700)
  • RRSP = $21,600 (+$100)
  • Home  = $248,000
  • Liabilities:
  • Mortgage = $207,900 (-$300)
  • Margin Loan = $18,700 (+$2,000)
  • Bank Loans = $3,700 (-$1,700)

*Total Net Worth = $115,800 (+2.39%

My biggest mistake was to buy SNC-Lavalin in 2011. I should have waited until now.  Earlier this month my portfolio’s value dropped by more than $1,000 within one opening session from this one company alone. This is why we should never put all our eggs in one basket. My swing trade on HVU.TO from early February is also losing money for the time being, but I’m not concerned about that trade for now as I expect it to be volatile, and have already put in place an exit strategy. SNC is of bigger concern at this moment because I’ve got over 100 shares, and if they continue to make poor decisions I will continue to lose money. But they are the largest engineering company in the country so I’m still relatively confident they can turn this thing around \(^_^)/  Overall,  the month went okay.

* Numbers are rounded to the nearest $100.
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03/05/2012 8:16 am

Nobody has a crystal ball man… It’s not a mistake to buy a company you think is good when it has a strong balance sheet. They will recover.

Look at this as a chance to buy more.

I have several holdings which are rather much under water, but I still like them and continue to hold since I see them escaping the current difficulties. And like SNC pay a bit of a dividend.

03/05/2012 8:20 am

Thanks for the kinds words dude. I agree, there’s always opportunity to be found somewhere.

03/06/2012 4:44 pm

Impressive numbers Liquid! Keep up the good work 🙂

03/06/2012 5:00 pm
Reply to  Sunny

Thanks Sunny. You too (^o^)丿

My Own Advisor
03/09/2012 2:57 pm

Nice NW! Well done.

I also like the Dividend Progress bar you have in your sidebar. Is that a widget or did you just create that image? I should do that on my site 🙂

Keep up the good work.