Weekend Business and Blog Roundup – Dec 14th

Despite being only one week away from the end of the world, here are some news you can use 🙂

– We’re Living Longereconomic and financial news
The popular medical journal The Lancet published the most comprehensive assessments about health and life expectancy in the world. After researching 187 different countries scientists concluded that people are now living 10 years longer than in 1970. And on average we are seeing less deaths by disease and starvation. However different parts of the world face different problems. In Sub-Saharan African countries like Kenya or Ghana, patients often lie on concrete floors while they wait for treatment. Malaria, parasites, and poor hygiene are still major problems. But in the developed world, eg: Canada, Europe, Australia,  there has been an increase in mental illnesses, neck/back problems, and heart disease. So if we want to retire early and happy, we must keep our bodies healthy. Sit straight when using the computer, control meal portions, and exercise regularly.  Haha, I’m such a hippocrite because I rarely do any of those things #FirstWorldProblems

-Google Maps is back on the iPhoneeconomic and investment news
Apple has announced anyone running the iOS 5.1 or higher will be able to use Google Maps again with their iPhone. Owning a mapping system that consumers can use to find restaurants or events is a huge opportunity to make money from advertising, etc. Apple tried to create their own maps platform earlier this year but apparently it was really difficult to navigate with. I guess if you can’t beat them, join them :0)

-Gloomy Outlook for British Columbia
A major debt rating firm, Moody’s, just revised its outlook for B.C.’s rating from stable to negative. This means investors will now consider this province to be a riskier place to invest their money which means the BC government will likely pay higher interest rates if it decides to borrow money in the future. My unsolicited advice if you are a BC resident is to diversify your investments into other parts of Canada where jobs, housing, and economic growth is a lot higher than here.  I’m currently looking for investment opportunities in Edmonton, Regina, Calgary, or Saskatoon. This is how you succeed as an investor, you chase after the money 😀

-Positive Outlook for Canada Overall
On the other hand, a separate outlook from our country’s largest bank, RBC, says the Canadian economy overall will grow by 2.4% next year, and then 2.8% in 2014. Of course if the US goes over their fiscal cliff, these numbers will be very hard to meet. But perhaps this is a good opportunity to pick up some beat up Canadian stocks.

Blog roundup – PF related  and other interesting articles from around the web
My Own Advisor on his dividend update and some time-tested investment tips even used by Warren Buffett
Frugal Rules on how to tip this holiday season without busting your budget.
Mrs Pop on the importance of putting some thought into giving or receiving gifts this holiday
Financial Samurai on how desire is the cause of suffering. Maybe if we wanted less we’d all be happier.
Dividend Girl on her debt update. She’s like me, most of her debt is money borrowed to invest :0)
Outlier Model has a guest post about a guy who plans to retire by 38. Good luck to him.
Retire in Niagara on her updated investment portfolio.
Plunged in Debt on maybe some people choose to divorce because it’s easier to be single than to talk to their partners about money problems.

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Plunged in Debt (@PlungedinDebt)
Plunged in Debt (@PlungedinDebt)
12/14/2012 3:33 am

Thanks so much for including me! Have a great weekend!

12/14/2012 4:49 am

Thanks for the link!

TB at BlueCollarWorkman
TB at BlueCollarWorkman
12/14/2012 5:41 am

Cool! Thanks for including me!

John S @ Frugal Rules
John S @ Frugal Rules
12/14/2012 7:42 am

Thanks so much for the mention. I am glad (dripping sarcasm) that Apple got the Google Maps issue straightened out. My wife is a major Apple nerd and we’re getting her the 5 next month when our contract is up.

Mrs. Pop @ Planting Our Pennies
12/14/2012 10:23 am

Thanks for including our post! And it’s great news about the new google maps app. I had been intentionally waiting to download the latest iOS update as I didn’t want to lose the old google maps and be stuck with only Apple maps. =)

myownadvisor (@myownadvisor)
12/14/2012 6:16 pm

Thanks for the mention! I heard Apple totally dropped the ball the with their maps, a total flop. I love my Android phone 🙂


Financial Samurai (@financialsamura)

Thanks for the highlight!

Speaking of Apple, I just bought the iPhone 5, and now I hear Walmart cut its price to $129 from $199! Dang!


12/16/2012 6:40 pm

Thanks so much for the mention! Hope you had a great LAST weekend! :p

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