First Time Eating Sturgeon Roe

A couple weeks ago I got a nice surprise in the mail when I received a check from my real estate lawyer. The price they quoted me to do the farmland transaction last year was too much and there was apparently a balance left in my account which they’ve returned to me. I thought the invoice they billed me for earlier included the final fees, but I suppose that was just an estimate? Anyway, I’ve heard lawyers are greedy, but these guys seem to be pretty honest 😀 The amount isn’t a whole lot, but it’s enough to treat myself to something nice. I love seafood 🙂 and living in Vancouver, I’ve had my fair share of it 😀 But one item I haven’t had yet was sturgeon roe.

first time eating caviar

first time eating caviar

A sturgeon is a type of fish and roe is a fancy name for fish eggs. There are 26 species of sturgeons in the world, but only 3 live in the Caspian sea, and it’s the roes from these particular sturgeons that have been the historical sources for fine Caspian caviar. And that is what I decided to spend my newly discovered money on. Sturgeon roe has been considered a source of great nutrients and has been known to maintain a woman’s beauty and provide stamina to men (if you know what I mean ;).) In ancient Rome it was regarded as such a delicacy that it was presented among garlands of flowers to only wealthy and powerful patricians (ie: aristocrats and noblemen.)  There are a number of places to find this highly prized roe, but in Vancouver if you want the freshest and best quality foods, there’s only one place to go :0)

first time eating caviar

Found a seafood store that sells sturgeon roe in the public market.

first time eating caviar, seafood city store

different sturgeons produce different caviarsThe largest of the 3 sturgeons swimming in the Caspian sea is the beluga, which can live for over 100 years and grow to become 2,000 pounds, or over 900 kg. That’s a pretty big fish eh (o_O) Its eggs are so special beluga caviar is sold for $8,000 to $12,000 per kilogram today. I could have bought this at the seafood store last week, but I decided it was too expensive, and opted for the much more affordable Asetra roe instead which is roughly only $4,000 per kilogram. In the end I only bought 30 grams of the stuff. The clerk was really friendly and even packaged the goods with ice cubes to keep it cool. I think by weight, this Asetra roe is probably the most expensive food I’ve ever bought. I think it’s worth it though, and the price of the caviar turned out to be the same as the rebate cheque I received so maybe it was meant to be 😉

caviar should be kept cool at all times

There are many different ways you can prepare caviar. If you want to keep it simple, all you need are some blinis or some other kind of good quality bread (cut into slices) and some Crème Fraîche which you can find beside the sour cream at your local specialty food store, or higher end grocery store. Give the bread a toast in the oven, plop on some crème fraîche and caviar, and then you are ready to eat like royalty \(^_^)/ 30 grams of roe makes about 10 to 12 of these canapés if you use the amounts I did (very bottom picture)

simple way to eat caviar

It tasted pretty good. Like rich fish eggs with a hint of sea salt. Not as crunchy as salmon roe, but more creamy, salty, and nutty. It was definitely a unique taste and I enjoyed it, but it was not a particularly memorable flavor at least for me. I’m not a big foodie, but I do think it’s okay to splurge on something gourmet once in awhile 😀

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01/22/2013 4:56 am

Is there anything you do not fully research before you execute? And this statement coming from an Engineer… (*U*) Your blog is always so diverse and entertaining. Thanks!

01/22/2013 12:10 pm

I love caviar.

For more foodie things, if you haven’t had foie gras yet, I suggest you try it. On top of some freshly baked bread, and a bit of fleur de sel on top (for the crunch), it is one of the best things I’ve ever eaten.

Rob aka Captain and Mrs Slow
Rob aka Captain and Mrs Slow
01/22/2013 12:18 pm

Great story, that’s why Imkeep coming back

The Loonie Bin
The Loonie Bin
01/22/2013 7:45 pm

I’d prefer a nice juicy steak over old salty fish eggs anytime!!!

01/22/2013 10:20 pm

I agree with mochimac, try foie gras the next time! I had caviar in Russia and don’t remember it much more different than other fish eggs, not justifying the price anyway. But it was good. I’d have it raw to savor it to the fullest. Glad you enjoyed it!

07/05/2013 8:50 pm

Recommend you research how foie gras is produced before indulging. The flavour is certainly not worth the hype, and the ethics of its production are…questionable.

01/23/2013 9:38 am

Money well spent? 🙂

01/23/2013 1:13 pm

That looks so good.

01/23/2013 1:42 pm

I don’t think I’ve ever had caviar so perhaps I should try it! One for the bucket list I think!

Johnny ca$h
Johnny ca$h
01/23/2013 2:21 pm

We have some sturgeons in the St-Lawrence River downhere. Congrats on your little return cheque!

Frugal Portland (@FrugalPortland)

HA I am so amused that you used a plastic spoon when putting together caviar!

Gareth @ Investment Road to Freedom
Gareth @ Investment Road to Freedom
01/23/2013 5:23 pm

Always nice to get a check in the mail. Never tried fish eggs – more of a steak guy.

Zimmet Vein and Dermatology
Zimmet Vein and Dermatology
01/28/2013 12:16 am

I think, its very delicious. I had it last week in a restaurant and it was amazingly cooked. Tested very good as well.

Elle P.
Elle P.
01/28/2013 7:53 pm

My first caviar experience would probably be at a restaurant. I am too afraid to prepare the caviar wrong (as simple as the procedure may seem) and waste $124!