Homemade Smoothie is Berry Tasty

One of my personal resolutions for this year is to eat healthier. Not only is it better for the body, but a healthier diet is also more affordable. Last year I posted how to save money by just shopping at ethnic grocery stores instead of big supermarkets. You can buy a bag of groceries for under $6 if you know where to look. Furthermore I find that I can cut my grocery bill by 25% or more by limiting the amount of processed or refined foods when I do my shopping. Not to mention pre-packaged or prepared foods are full of empty calories. One thing I like to do at least once a week is make a smoothie.

13_02_smoothieprep, smoothie

They’re simple to prepare, extremely nutritious, and very wallet friendly. There’s literally hundreds of recipes on the internet you can find for smoothies, so I’ll just show one I made the other day as an example. I used some raspberries for their anti-oxidant properties plus they’re full of vitamins and minerals. Next I used some blueberries because they contain vitamin K, manganese, potassium, dissolves bad cholesterol, and apparently even help to reduce belly fat. The yogurt is optional, but I like it for the dairy, protein, and fiber content. And finally half a cup of juice (or water) to keep the consistency nice and smooth.



13_02_smoothieglass, smoothie in a glass

Blend everything together et voila 😀  Each serving is less than a dollar. Drink some in the morning and you won’t even need to make breakfast. You can use ingredients that’s local and cheap. For example there’s a blueberry farm literally not even 30 minutes drive from my home. You can go pick them in the field yourself in the summer for cheaper than retail prices, then freeze them and make blueberry smoothies all year round :0) Food is one of our biggest expenses next to housing. By keeping our cost for groceries down, we can very easily save a lot more money than trying to scrimp on other things like hydro, transportation, or internet. The more savings we have the more we can invest and get closer to financial freedom (^_^) Depending on where you live you can set your own budget, but in Vancouver, I eat quite comfortably on a $100 monthly grocery budget 😀

Random Useless Fact: Near a West Vancouver elementary school a picture of a young girl chasing a ball is painted on the road. The optical illusion is being used to have drivers slow down near schools.

13_02_girlballdriving, pink ball is same color as my smoothie

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02/04/2013 12:35 am

I’m impressed with your food budget, we are nowhere close to $100/month.

I am a huge smoothie fan, if you haven’t already you should give green smoothies a try. They take a little getting used to but then they’re great.

Glen @ Monster Piggy Bank
02/04/2013 4:39 am

How good does that smoothie look! I love berries and I love smoothies so I wouldn’t mind tasting that.
I used to always have banana smoothies when I was a kid as my next door neighbor had a banana tree and always gave us bananas.

02/04/2013 6:42 am

We do this to use up bananas usually. Add a little ice cream and berries and its delicious.

02/04/2013 6:49 am

That smoothie looks yummy!

02/04/2013 8:42 am

Magic bullet works great for single servings for smoothies! I love using Avacado/Banana in my milk induced shake. I buy a mix fruit bag from Costco for $10 and it’ll last me a long time. Beats going to bubble tea places that charges $5/drink! Maybe I’ll try a matcha shake one day!

John S @ Frugal Rules
02/04/2013 9:06 am

That smoothie does look quite good. Doing something like that is definitely something we want to be able to do more of. It can be a great way to get the kids to have their fruits.

02/04/2013 3:02 pm

$100 a month! That’s nuts! We do green smoothies in the morning, so my breakfast smoothie had spinach, parsley, a bit of banana, some berries, and some flax seed. I am sure yours definitely tasted better!

02/04/2013 3:16 pm

Looks delicious! I just got a juicer and will try vegetables, so far I only blend bananas and the like, not too worried about the virtues of each ingredient, since I don’t add sugar or anything, it should be just fine.

02/04/2013 6:18 pm

That smoothie looks great! I think $100 is an awesome grocery budget. In 2012 we did $190 a month for 2 and for 2013 we are at $235 a month for 2 which is reasonable and last month we were under budget by $28.05. I would love to have you join my Grocery Game Challenge now in it’s second year with some amazing fans who can shop, cook, plan that put me to shame. I’m so impressed with their grocery budget, meal planning improvements over the past year. We make smoothies with fresh berries from our garden (frozen for winter), yogurt, milk, ice, fresh orange juice and sometimes protein powder. You can’t go wrong and the price is just a fraction of the cost of what you would pay at a shop to get it made.

Club Thrifty (@ClubThrifty)
02/05/2013 4:39 am

Yum! You’ve got me hungry now!

02/05/2013 9:01 pm

Great smoothie idea but I really got to challenge you on that $100/month for groceries comment… That’s less than three and a half bucks a day…. I dare you to blog the proof 🙂

Jordann @ My Alternate Life
Jordann @ My Alternate Life
02/06/2013 6:08 am

$100 per month, that’s really good! I love smoothies, I make them as often as possible, usually for breakfast. Mine typically include a banana, a hand full of spinach or greens (can’t even taste them), some frozen berries, a few spoonfuls of yogurt, some orange juice or almond milk, and a teaspoon of chia seeds. That serves two big glasses for my fiancé and I and keeps me from getting hungry until lunch.

02/09/2013 9:49 am

Yum! We spend $100 per person per month on groceries as well, which you know. Smoothies are a great way for us to make sure we use up ripe fruit and not waste milk or yogurt! Our smoothies usually involve bananas and ice cream.


[…] love home made smoothies – Freedom Thirty Five blog shows just how easy it is to make your […]