Google the Tech Giant

Last Friday Google Inc surprised the world with its latest financial numbers and their shares jumped by more than 13%, Heyo!(⌒▽⌒)The company’s market capitalization grew by about $40,000,000,000 in a single day 😀 Each share of Google is now over $1,000 for the first time ever. I believe Google is a terrific long term investment. Sure, it doesn’t pay a dividend, but it’s proved to be a great growth stock! Its shares doubled in value in the last 5 years eh 🙂 And most importantly Google provides a real service that people use, sometimes on a daily basis, in markets that are expanding 😉 (search, advertising, mobile devices, etc)


13-10-googleserversGoogle has now surpassed Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway in terms of company value. It is now the 3rd largest company in the U.S., behind only 2 other giants, Apple Inc and Exxon Mobil.  I’m glad I bought some Google shares earlier this year for $705 each.

As most of you know I like to share my investment strategies. So last month I blogged aboot why it’s important to own both Apple and Google shares because they are part of a very profitable mobile trinity 🙂 If any of you fabulous readers out there read that post and decided to take action right away then you would currently have a 9% gain in your Apple shares today, and 13% gain from Google. So you’re welcome 😀

But for those who didn’t have a chance to invest in the mobile and advertising space yet it’s not too late 🙂 Analysts continue to be optimistic about Google. At least a dozen brokerages raised their price targets on GOOG. The average target is now $1,068, and the median is at $1,100, from 38 different brokers.

The success of Android, which becomes more and more popular every day, is starting to really add up, and Google is collecting small tolls along the way. Google’s ownership of the Android ecosystem makes Google like the house, in Vegas terms. ~Stifel analyst Jordan Rohan

Also like I’ve mentioned in the past Qualcomm is another good stock to buy in the same industry, which I don’t yet own. But I’m planning to buy some in November to diversify. I believe smartphones and tablets are still going to see growing sales across the world.

Google’s brand is ubiquitous, and everyone who uses the internet including bloggers use Google’s services (with geographical exceptions.) Can you imagine a world without the Google search engine, Gmail, or Google maps?


If the digital mobile world is becoming an ever increasing part of our lives, why not make it a part of our investments too? 😉 Let’s all profit from the inevitable growth of technology 🙂

Disclosure: I have 3 shares each of AAPL, and GOOG in my U.S. margin account

Random Useless Fact: The plastic things on the end of shoelaces are called aglets.

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save. spend. splurge.
10/21/2013 5:24 am

From my perspective, owning huge stocks like AAPL and GOOG outside of index funds is a rather inefficient use of money. I can buy cheaper stocks and when THEY go up, I earn more than if I had bought the similar amount in AAPL and GOOG.

10/21/2013 10:58 am

I would love to make those stocks part of my portfolio. If only their prices weren’t so damn high. LOL. However, I would prefer Google over Apple. I’m no techie but I feel Apple may come to a point where they’ve saturated the market with so many products, that there will be nothing left to make. (But I guess at that point I would sell??) As you mentioned in your post, the Google brand in everywhere and they provide a lot of services. With the exception of my ipod, which I actually use for my part-time job, I’m rather impartial to Apple.

10/22/2013 6:19 pm

More indirect for me. Google makes up 1.6% of my US Index Fund and 6.5% of my NASDAQ Index Fund while Apple makes up 2.9% of my US Index Fund and 11.7% of my NASDAQ Index Fund.

10/23/2013 1:08 am

Yeah these stocks are too expensive for me now. Actually I don’t have any income to invest right now lol..I have investments in a safe and sound moderate risk vehicle right now while I’m in school.


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