Happy Valentine’s day everyone :). If you’re single like me here’s a frugal idea to get yourself a hot date 😉
I don’t know if you can put a price on love 😉 But according to a recent study by ratesupermarket.ca, the cost of dating someone and then getting married costs on average $44,000 😕
Here’s the breakdown:
One Year of Dating – $7000
Engagement Ring – $3500
Engagement Party – $2000
Another Year of Dates During Engagement Period – $4500
Wedding – $27,000
Total cost of love = $44,000 😀 Wow. Much love. So romance. Very Valentine’s. Wow 😐
The study is a bit tongue and cheek, but it highlights the importance of money and budget awareness in a relationship 🙂 How much love will actually cost depends on each couple. $27K for a wedding is still relatively cheap since the average wedding in Canada was over $32K in 2013 😕
Money may not be able to buy love, but it seems like people are not hesitant to spend a lot on their relationships. But are we spending too much for love? Oscar Wilde once said “Nowadays people know the price of everything and the value of nothing.” That’s a pretty interesting way to describe today’s rampant consumerism. But then again what did he know? Mr. Wilde died broke and alone, so he’s probably not the best person to ask for financial and relationship advice 😛
Love can hurt… the wallet. But maybe it’s all worth it in the end because couples who stay married for life are statistically the wealthiest demographic 😀
Random Useless Fact: The evolution of sports is flippin’ amazing. Left is from 1956. Right is from 2012.
This is why i am never getting married haha
Lots of couples are very happy just being common law partners, which is pretty much like being married anyway from a legal standpoint.
LOL at the hot date. Happy Valentine’s Day sir! 🙂
Thanks, you too :0)
Ha! Love it. $3,500 for an engagement ring? Nuts. $2K for an engagement party? Ridic! Save it for the wedding! Or better yet, the honeymoon. 🙂
Save it for the honeymoon or invest it for the future. Engagement parties are overrated anyhow. I’d much rather spend money on something more meaningful.
Okay, I don’t get this math at all. 🙂 Happy Valentine’s Liquid!
Oh, and I think a Hot Date would be a little awkward.
Yes, I think eating your hot date would be awkward indeed 🙂
I love the recipe for a date. But why is dating so expensive? Or getting married? It doesn’t have to be – when I married the whole thing cost us about $3,000 (you have to take your family to lunch and have a bit of a party :)). We have just got into the habit of spending too much on everything.
Sounds like a frugal wedding for you guys. I would like to do something similar for mine. Hopefully my future spouse and I will be on the same page with our spending habits.
Happy V-day Liquid! Love doesn’t have to cost much if you find a financially minded partner 😉
Procrastinating on the wedding plans… prob going with something really small. But family and friends expect something big… might end up disappointing them. I am not the type who likes all the attention anyways. Weddings are over rated anyways.
Do it for yourselves and for memories :0) I find people are easy to become disappointed, but they all have to remember the wedding is for you and him. They’ve had or will have their own chance to make their wedding as big and expense as they want.
Holy…. $44K? That’s like a down payment on a house! And that’s assuming on just one year of dating too… O_O;
Maybe I’m too cheap to date and get married. O_O;;
You can never be too cheap to date 😉
Great post! I must have taken the cheap way, cause I can honestly say that the first year I spent about 1000 bucks maybe. Pizza and movies at home are cheap dates, but some of the best!
I love pizza and movies at home 🙂 I sometimes do that on my own already.
So, we need money for everything. Happy V-day.
Apparently so, which is why we should all strive to have a lot of it 🙂
Don’t be harshing on Mr.Wilde, a major contributor to him dying broke and alone was the part where he was thrown in jail for homosexuality.
Also, hot dates with goat cheese are amazing 🙂
I want to try goat cheese now :0)
That is so cute!!!
Happy belated V-day 🙂