Fiscal Update Apr 2014 – $53,000 Net Worth Increase

I’m utterly speechless 😐 Words cannot even begin to describe my grandiose euphoria right now! 😀 ♪♬♫ Because I’m happy ♬♫  Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪♬♫ Lol 😛 This is beyond my wildest expectations. My net worth increased by more than 10x my total income in April, including dividends. 14-04-happy face

*Side Income:

  • Part-Time Work = $400
  • Dividends = $500
*Discretionary Spending:
  • Eating Out = $100
  • Others = $200

*Net Worth: (MoM)

  • Assets: = $809,900 total (+52,800)
  • Cash = $300 (-200)
  • Stocks CDN =$89,700 (+2700)
  • Stocks US = $51,100 (+1700)
  • RRSP = $41,800 (+600)
  • Home = $254,000 (same)
  • Farms = $373,000 (+48,000)
  • Debts: = $528,400 total (-200)
  • Mortgage = $198,800 (-400)
  • Farm Loans = $207,000 (-400)
  • Margin Loan CDN = $28,000 (same)
  • Margin Loan US = $26,300 (+1800)
  • TD Line of Credit = $33,400  (-600)
  • CIBC Line of Credit = $13,600 (-100)
  • HELOC = $17,800 (same)
  • RRSP Loan = $3,500 (-500)

*Total Net Worth = $281,500 (+23.2%) All numbers above are in CAD. Conversion rate used: 1.00 USD = 1.10 CAD

I Invested in some Dollarama in my TFSA in early April, which is in the black so far 🙂 I also bought some U.S. stocks on margin (debt.) I adjust my farmland value every April based on the average rates between the annual FCC report and inflation. The new FCC Report shows Saskatchewan farmland prices rose 28.5% in 2013. Inflation (CPI) was about 1% in 2013. Therefore, I have increased the value of my farms by 14.75%

How do I feel about this capital appreciation?

farmer feel good head tomatoes

After nearly 6 long years of careful planning and patiently waiting, my wealth has finally crossed a quarter million dollars! My tenacious focus never wavered as I was determined to create the financial reality I dreamed of having for myself.

Over the last month I have not only surpassed $250K for the first time, but have shot so far past it that I’m actually closer now to $300K. I’m still trying to process what happened because it feels a bit like winning the lottery( ゚д゚)The universe sure works in serendipitous ways. First quarter complete. Three more quarters to go until I’m a millionaire! I’ll keep trying for as long as it takes, but it’s not over until I WIN! :D


There are winners. There are losers. And there are people who have not discovered how to win. All they need is some insight, or different strategy, a plan of action. To make some adjustments that will open up the key to a whole new future to them. That will give them access to the unlimited power that they have within themselves. 

…Most things don’t happen as soon as we think they should happen. The messenger of misery might drop in on you to say hello. Murphy’s Law might come by and thump you on the head. Any number of things can happen to interrupt your flow. But it’s okay. Don’t take it personally. Just acknowledge what’s going on is called LIFE, but keep working on your dream… Don’t judge [the set backs.] Why? Because if you judge it you invest emotion in it, and that emotion can be anger. And guess what? That hurts YOU. That doesn’t hurt anybody else. So don’t take yourself out early by internalizing things.

Don’t allow other things or people or circumstances to determine what your reaction is going to be…. You don’t need anyone to approve your dream. If they can’t see it that’s because it was not given to them. It was given to YOU. Hold it, nurture it, cultivate it, work on it. It’s yours. It’s your baby. Work on it until it comes into fruition… Because this is your dream. This is your passion. This is your life.
~Les Brown

I’m glad I can share my financial dream with others, and live in a democratic society where passive investment opportunities like index ETFs and farmland funds are available to anyone! And I’m extremely grateful to all my readers like you 🙂 who have continued to believe in me over the years despite some of my *ahem* more questionable investment decisions (-_-;) Couldn’t have done it without the support (^_^)

Random Useless Fact:


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05/04/2014 4:37 pm


save. spend. splurge.
05/04/2014 4:41 pm

That’s killer!!

Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
05/04/2014 4:52 pm

You really did a good job! Congratulations to you!

Investing Pursuits
05/04/2014 5:11 pm

Congrats on the killer increase…I would of never thought farmland would increase so much in a year.

05/04/2014 5:13 pm

Wowsers! That is gigantic. And totally crazy at the same time. 🙂

Also, regarding your fun fact – I don’t understand why all gas tanks aren’t just on the same side of the car across the board.

Girl Meets Debt (@girlmeetsdebt)
Girl Meets Debt (@girlmeetsdebt)
05/04/2014 5:41 pm

Yay Liquid! You’re an investment superstar! Can I have your autograph? Seriously though, that’s awesome work – good for you! 🙂

05/04/2014 6:35 pm

Congrats! I wonder if farmland will continue to appreciate at the same rate going forward. In 2012, corn was $7 a bushel and last year it was down to $4 a bushel. That has affected farmland prices here.

05/04/2014 7:02 pm

I’m so jealous!! But nice to see how well u r doing in raising your net worth from month to month. Mine is relatively flat and my jumping pennies have performed poorly.

05/04/2014 7:33 pm

Excellent progress my friend. Soak in the win, as you deserve it for acting on what others only wish for. Breathe deep and enjoy, but don’t let your ego or the accolades cloud your long term focus. – Cheers.

05/04/2014 8:00 pm

HEY! That’s my tomato joke!

Laura / No More Spending
Laura / No More Spending
05/04/2014 11:38 pm

Yay!! Congratulations! That’s great progress!

05/05/2014 12:03 am

Just keep at it. Can’t complain about your progress. I do like one unique aspect of your blog. Your attention to farmland investing. For many this may sound very unorthodox but in really carries some pretty sound investing advice. I’m happy you are bringing this sector some much needed attention.

My Own Advisor
05/05/2014 2:44 am

Wow, well done. You’re not even 30 yet?


05/05/2014 4:29 am

Obviously, that’s awesome! Great job on your huge net worth increase!

S Arun
05/05/2014 4:49 am

Wow!!! Man this is an amazing gain, this is the power of leverage. Keep rocking!! May be in 5 to 10 years, $50 000 monthly gain will be the normal gain for you 😀

I am in the early stage, my net worth increased by 10.24% or $4600.

Michelle (@BudgetBloggess)
05/05/2014 5:25 am

Congrats! That’s amazing news, good job! 🙂

05/05/2014 4:53 pm

Congrats on the win! Do you think the farms are a long term hold, or do you have a sell price in mind?

Laurie @thefrugalfarmer
Laurie @thefrugalfarmer
05/08/2014 3:15 am

“I may not be there yet, but I’m closer than I was yesterday”. LOVE that!! Huge congrats to you on nearing the 300k mark!!! Can’t wait to see what next quarter brings. 🙂

Brian So
Brian So
05/08/2014 9:44 pm

Congrats! What’s your target net worth by age 35?

Brian So
Brian So
05/09/2014 9:23 am

Looks like you’ll have a comfortable amount of retirement income 🙂 Are you worried about inflation though? Or have you already built it into your calculation? You could potentially have a retirement horizon of 55 years so inflation will be a huge factor down the road.

05/11/2014 11:39 am

Nice to hear a fellow div investor has some precious metal in their portfolio. Sometimes I feel like I am the only “crazy” one out there who owns an asset that doesn’t produce income 🙂

Financial independence
05/11/2014 11:23 pm

Congrads. It is making even more exciting on how you are going to achieve your financial independence. Keep in touch.


[…] About $50K is from property appreciation. Hurray for Vancouver real estate and Saskatchewan farmland!  […]