Fiscal Update June 2014 – New Asset

I recently read an article about people who camped out for 3 days to be among the first to own the next “hot” thing on the market. What did those people wait in line for? A new smartphone? Nope. A sale on a 60 inch LED TV? Nope. How about a new condo. Yes! Within the first 5 hours of going on sale last Saturday, the first tower at Brentwood Mall, in Burnaby B.C., sold out of all 247 units. 😯 At least the buyers went prepared and brought with them tents and sleeping bags.


By mid afternoon all suites – ranging from $299,000 to $949,000 – had been bought up. Welcome to the Greater Vancouver Area, where if you don’t camp out for 3 days you have no chance to buy a brand new condo project 😕

Speaking of real estate, last week I blogged about buying my first mortgage fund. So this means I have a new item to add to my net worth statement this month 🙂 On to the numbers.

*Side Income:

  • Part-Time Work = $600
  • Dividends = $500
*Discretionary Spending:
  • Eating Out = $100
  • Others = $100

*Net Worth: (MoM)

  • Assets: = $825,200 total (+6,300)
  • Cash = $800 (-9500)
  • Stocks CDN =$92,900 (+4100)
  • Stocks US = $52,100 (+1100)
  • RRSP = $42,400 (+600)
  • Home = $254,000 (same)
  • Farms = $373,000 (same)
  • MIC = $10,000 (+new)
  • Debts: = $527,900 total (-3,400)
  • Mortgage = $198,100 (-300)
  • Farm Loans = $206,100 (-400)
  • Margin Loan CDN = $30,800 (-200)
  • Margin Loan US = $24,900 (-1200)
  • TD Line of Credit = $32,600  (-400)
  • CIBC Line of Credit = $13,100 (-400)
  • HELOC = $19,700 (-100)
  • RRSP Loan = $2,600 (-400)

*Total Net Worth = $297,300 (+3.37%)
All numbers above are in $CDN. Conversion rate used: 1.00 USD = 1.07 CAD

June has been a great month. I saw a $9,700 increase to my wealth and there are no signs of the hot stock market slowing down. I suppose this is what happens when the Federal Reserves continues to dump $35 billion a month into the economy. I’m happy to add a new investment into my asset category. As a fixed income vehicle the principal of my MIC does not fluctuate day to day. I may buy more MICs in the future, possibly publicly traded ones next time. Stocks this month has performed very well, especially the technology companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon. I’m extremely happy with Intel’s stock. In mid June Intel announced that it thinks the PC market is still strong. Its share price is up 15% month over month, yay! In terms of debt I’m just slowly paying that down. The large drop of my U.S. margin loan is mostly due to the weakened $USD relative to my domestic currency 😛


Random Useless Fact:

The 2 concentric circles below are perfectly round. #opticalillusion


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My Dividend Pipeline
06/29/2014 5:38 pm

Solid month all the way around. I think I would rather live in one of those tents instead of a $900k condo. There probably aren’t many people getting close to early retirement there. By the way, those circles are crazy!


06/29/2014 8:44 pm

The dotted patterns form circles themselves which confuses our mind. Sometimes it helps if I try to cover most of the image with my hand and just look at 1/4 of the image at a time.

Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
Clarisse @ Make Money Your Way
06/29/2014 6:06 pm

Wow, congrats to the new condo owners! 3 days off like camping out is totally worth the wait! You have a very impressive monthly income too, good job for you!

Asset Grinder
Asset Grinder
06/29/2014 6:56 pm

Great networth gains. Hey can u give me some more info on the MIC? what kind of return, risk, payouts periods? are we looking at ? How did you come across it?

Good Day and Grind On!

Asset Grinder
Asset Grinder
06/29/2014 9:54 pm

Thanks for the info buddy. I was working with a lawyer before giving out 2nd mortgages to borrowers in the Vancouver area for rates of 8-12% depending on term , credit rating and amount asked and it was pretty good for a few years but the demand dried up for us. I like the fixed payments and the yield but a couple borrowers were late on payments and things got a lil messy. Essentially MIC seems like the same thing on a bigger efficient way. Imma look into them some more!

06/30/2014 2:29 pm

Liquid congrats on another great month! I couldn’t imagine camping out for days just to buy a condo. I swear people put more research into a new TV than they do their new home.

Finance Journey
06/30/2014 6:11 pm

Great Job Liquid and congrats!!! $9,700 gain in one month is amazing. The graph is going all the way up and up.. :D.

You are well in your way to achieve the financial freedom. Keep it up.


07/01/2014 4:43 pm

Nice solid month on the balance sheet, Liquid! Though I don’t know what to think about those future condo owners… nuts!

07/01/2014 9:07 pm

All I can say these people are crazy. They sure have deep pockets to camp out for like three days. I drive by there all the time, but I didn’t notice the camp out, guess I just speed through there after work. Wow your net worth is rocking it. You’ll break the $300k mark soon enough!

07/16/2014 11:36 am

Thanks for sharing your recent update and new mortgage fund investment. You really seem to be diversifying a lot of your investments. For now, I’m just heavy in stocks. Crazy image too about the people camping out. How has market become so hot in the Vancouver area? Are people concern over the potential rise of interest rates down the pipe that they want to lock in low rates?