
“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent who will survive but those who can best manage change.”― Leon C. Megginson

Change is inevitable, unless the vending machine is broken. 😀 When things don’t go quite the way we want them to it’s tempting to want to change the system. But it’s often more favorable to just change ourselves than the circumstances.

If we don’t like our surroundings or the people around us, it’s usually easier to change our habits, or our mindsets to adapt to the environment around us, than it is to convince the rest of the world that they should change.


Instead of protesting to raise the minimum wage it’s more practical to find ways to improve our skills, earn more money, and get ahead in the rat race. An investment in human capital pays the best interest.

I didn’t choose which company to work for when I got my first real job. I applied to dozens of positions all over the province. When I finally got a job offer I took it right away and then adapted to my situation by moving closer to where I worked, which saved money on gas, and time on commuting. Double win!

When my cable provider increased fees I adapted by cancelling TV and switching to Netflix, which led to cheaper costs and better quality shows 🙂 (personal opinion.)

When interest rates hit record lows I adapted by borrowing money at 3% to invest in high quality investments where I was confident I could make at least 6% annual return over the long run. I figured the best time to take risks in life is when I’m young, and the best time to go into debt is when interest rates are low. So if I know I’m going to buy a home, go to school, invest in rental property, and do other things that will require a mortgage or other type of loan, then now would be a darn good time to do that rather than later. When interest rates move higher I’ll just re-adjust to the new policy by paying down debt while loading up on bonds.


When something is not to my liking, I adapt and change my liking. If that doesn’t work I do something about it. Learning how to adapt has led to a lot of savings and earnings for me over the years – certainly a lot more than complaining has ever gotten me. 😉 Signing petitions, participating in protests, lobbying for change, and asking governments to solve our problems is terrific for the greater good and all. But unlike trying to change the entrenched system, learning to adapt and live amicably within our surroundings doesn’t cause conflict or blowback and everybody wins. 😀 The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what we’re made of, not the circumstance we live in.

Random Useless Fact


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06/22/2015 4:34 pm

Nice perspective on things. It’s really all about motivation and the ability to see the brighter side of things. People probably don’t see the other side because they’re possibly not aware of it due to lack of knowledge, or maybe they grew up with parents who’s excuse for everything was “That’s the way it is” so they just accept that they can’t change anything. Who knows! I’m sure smarter people then me have spent lots of time trying to figure it all out.

06/23/2015 8:35 am

I agree. Too often, we find ourselves afraid of change. Never be complacent. Complaining will not get you very far, unless you take pro-active steps to get what you want out of it.

06/23/2015 3:54 pm

pls sign up as CPFC speaker!

Mr. Chen
Mr. Chen
06/24/2015 1:40 am

I definitely agree with your post.

Adaptability is needed in daily life and in the market. If markets suddenly change, they might not be able to change fast enough. This happened to Kodak with the shift from film to digital, so Kodak is a remnant of its former self.

Amanda @ My Life, I Guess
Amanda @ My Life, I Guess
06/24/2015 10:21 am

This really is a great point of view!

I’m currently trying to figure out what it is that I am made of, given (some of) the circumstances I live in are, well… crappy? I’m not very good at adapting so I’m struggling with this.