Options Update – Oct 2021 and EFIC Podcast Appearance

October options trading review

This month I received $1,485 in premiums from selling options on a portfolio worth about $290,000. 😀


The biggest premium earned this month was from a BlackRock put option, a whole $259.
I did an in-depth video explainer here in case you missed it.

My options trades and other investments were discussed in a recent episode of the Explore FI Canada podcast.


An Alternative Investment Path to FI

I had a fun conversation with Chrissy and Money Mechanic on how to reach financial independence by using alternative investments.

What all 3 of us have in common is we invest with borrowed money to leverage our assets and create higher investment returns.

Explore FI Canada with Chrissy, Money Mechanic, and Liquid Independence.

And huge congrats to Chrissy because she and her husband recently achieved FIRE. 🙂
It’s especially impressive since they have 2 children and only relied on the income of one working spouse.

The podcast episode touched on a lot of different topics including video games and meme stocks, haha.
If any listeners want additional details about my research strategies, risk management, or how I find asymmetric opportunities let me know.

If you’re a relatively new reader here you may find some interesting trivia in the episode about myself and my wide interest in investable assets.

And check out their other episodes as well, as they interview lots of amazing folks across the country. 😀


Options progress so far in 2021

Altogether I have made over $7,500 selling call and put options in my non-registered margin account.

The more options I trade the easier it becomes to manage larger positions. 🙂


October trading breakdown

Here are some key points from this month.

  • I sold 12 put options.
  • I bought 2 options to close my positions, including one roll with ContextLogic (WISH.)
  • My total trading commission was $24.
  • I rolled my $WISH option forward so nothing expired in-the-money in October. 🙂

Below is a table summarizing my transactions.

  • Initial underlying price – The market price of the underlying stock/ETF when I made the options trade.
  • Price difference % – How much the underlying will have to rise or fall to be In-The-Money (ITM).
  • Initial days to expiry – How many days remain until the option expires, from the day that I traded it.
  • Initial Delta – Measures the initial probability of an option expiring ITM. eg: if a put option has a Delta of -10%, there is a 10% chance it will be exercised.


Once again none of my options have been assigned in October. However, I have a couple of call options sold in September that are currently in the money.


Expecting November assignment

I have 2 CNQ.TO calls with a strike price of $48, and 1 TD.TO call with a strike price of $86.

Both expire in November, so maybe this will be the first time my options get assigned.

What’s funny is that most of my options are Puts. However, the 2 options that are likely to be assigned 18 days from now are actually Calls. This speaks to how overvalued the stock market is. It just keeps going up with no signs of falling. Maybe being forced to sell right now isn’t so bad. I can reduce my margin debt, and lock in some profits for the year, which helps to spread out my tax burden across time. 🙂

If my TD and CNQ stocks get called away my plan is to sell put options to buy them back again, hopefully at a lower price than I sold them at.

Let’s see how things play out. 🙂


Random Useless Fact:

Scenes in movies are not always in real time.

“I bet I can beat him.”


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11/01/2021 9:35 am

Nice. That’s some impressive monthly income! I mainly sell puts and the past few months have been brutal. I’m still rolling, collecting additional income with each roll.

Chrissy @ Eat Sleep Breathe FI
11/01/2021 4:16 pm

Hey Liquid! Thanks for the shout-out, my friend. It was so much fun chatting with you. Your take on investing and the world in general is so unique.

I’ve learned a lot from you, and was thrilled to be able to share your story and a bit about your investments (both serious and wacky) with our audience!

PS Yet another HILARIOUS meme—love it! I do the same thing when I watch movies! LOL.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chrissy @ Eat Sleep Breathe FI
11/02/2021 4:40 pm

Hi Liquid, if your option for TD and Cnq get assigned do you need to do anything on your end or the brokerage does it automatic and nothing need to be done on your end. Can your share is the idea behind this. Thank you!

11/02/2021 7:29 pm

Thank you liquid for quick response.very informative. So to buy back option you sold do you just buy the same covered call this time and pay the premium. Meaning from your portfolio select that previous call position and select buy option this time?

11/03/2021 7:50 am

Thank you so much! appreciate it

11/03/2021 9:40 am

Thats amazing man. Keep it up!

You recently tweeted about two minings stocks that you purchased. Are you planning on blogging about those stocks and why they are a strategy against inflation for you?

I’d be very interested to learn about that.

David @ Filled With Money
11/03/2021 6:10 pm

That steady graph going up. Congrats man, imagine what it’ll be like doing a YoY comparison in 2022.

11/03/2021 7:44 pm

You were great on EFIC. Can’t wait for them to have you on again. I feel like you could do an entire episode on option trading. Maybe once you’ve had some ups and downs you could give your view and explain how to handle different market scenarios.

Money Mechanic
11/09/2021 11:13 am

Yes, the downturn will reveal ‘who is swimming naked’. We should do an deeper dive on Options on the FI Garage, both the accountant and I are employing a similar strategy as you. Would be interesting to talk about some of the other strategies too.

JJ Stocks
JJ Stocks
11/05/2021 6:15 am

Hi Liquid, big fan of yours! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! What is a good level/percentage of “buying power” you hold in your margin account? Are you worried that if a market crash were to occur, you may have all your puts assigned and have to buy the stocks?

11/29/2021 7:15 am

Curious if you would be willing to add the implied volatility you sell the put on your spreadsheet? I like to sell some puts and find that to be useful information.