Category Archives: Budgeting

3 Ways to a Better Credit Score

By | 06/16/2021

Having a good credit score can mean the difference between getting a home loan or buying the vehicle you need for work. The international credit union works on very specific criteria and many people don’t know that there are very easy ways to improve their credit score without much effort. It can take a long time to build… Read More »

How to Reduce the Cost of Urban Commuting – Get a Scooter

According to Chelsea Fagan, founder of the Financial Diet, transportation is one of the biggest unseen costs in people’s lives. Americans on average spend about “9% to 25% of their monthly budget” on transportation. That’s a pretty large portion of one’s take home pay. 😮 The surprising thing is, most people can easily cut their transportation costs down by… Read More »

How Much To Spend on Dating

Dating can be expensive. All those dinners and movies can add up over time. According to a survey of 5,500 singles in the U.S., the average unmarried American spent about $1,600 on their dating life in 2016. That’s about $133 per month. When broken down by gender, men spent $150 per month on average, while women spent $120 per… Read More »