Tag Archives: fiscal update

Fiscal Update – July – Tale of 2 Industries

Oil Producers Languish as Airlines Fly High ✈️ Oil executives sometimes use crude language, especially to describe their disappointment of low oil prices. With the WTI price at around $48 a barrel it’s very difficult for North American oil producers to make a profit. ⛽ The 50% decline in crude price over the last year forced Husky Energy (HSE) to… Read More »

Fiscal Update – June 2015 – Market Turmoil

Greece is holding a referendum tomorrow, Sunday, on whether or not they want to accept the bailout terms from their creditors. I’m not great at economic forecasts but I feel like the majority will vote yes for better or for worse. [Edit] The result is out. Greeks voted No, lol. This is why I’m not an economist. [/Edit] In other… Read More »

Fiscal Update – Apr 2015 – Net Worth Jumps $45,600

April has turned out to be one of the best months of the year so far. 😀 -Stock markets climbed roughly 2% in Canada and the U.S. (27% annualized return) -The bond market is paying higher interest rates. Great for new fixed income investors. 🙂 -Real estate market continues to stand strong. What bubble? 😛 -Canadian dollar strengthens against other… Read More »

Fiscal Update – Mar 2015 – Currencies Beyond Borders

The overall stock market in March dropped a little bit. It appears growth has stalled in Canada due to continuing low oil prices. But thanks to my side incomes I ended the month with a slightly more positive net worth. 🙂 Side hustles are important during tough economic times because if I lose my full time job at least I’ll have a financial… Read More »