Tag Archives: fiscal update

Fiscal Update Dec 2014 – $75,000 from investment gains

When the Toronto stock exchange dropped  8% in the first 2 weeks of December I thought 2014 was going to end on a down month. But fortunately confidence came back to the market and investors pushed stocks back up. In the end it was a pretty flat month with minor gains in some sectors. 🙂 Had the TSX stayed down at… Read More »

Fiscal Update Oct 2014 – Wealth Inequality

Last month was quite the roller coaster ride. But maybe all this market volatility is a good thing. The rich keep getting richer because the assets they own, like stocks and real estate, continue to grow in value. But this is a worrying signal because high levels of inequality have usually lead to recessions in the past. For someone… Read More »

Fiscal Update July 2014 – Fixed Income Splurge

July was a decent month. So far in 2014 my wealth has grown by $100,000! Most of that came from investment gains. Awesome possum! 😀 My asset column is growing steadily. If I hypothetically buy a one bedroom, shoebox condo tomorrow for $200,000 then BOOM! I’d technically be a millionaire by gross assets! Just thinking about that gets me all kinds of excited 😀 But I have… Read More »

Fiscal Update Apr 2014 – $53,000 Net Worth Increase

I’m utterly speechless 😐 Words cannot even begin to describe my grandiose euphoria right now! 😀 ♪♬♫ Because I’m happy ♬♫♯  Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof ♪♬♫ Lol 😛 This is beyond my wildest expectations. My net worth increased by more than 10x my total income in April, including dividends.  *Side Income: Part-Time Work = $400 Dividends = $500 *Discretionary… Read More »