Real Estate Investing

Introduction to Real Estate Investing

Do you know anyone who has invested in real estate over a long period of time and has consistently lost money?  Neither do I. That’s because real estate is one of the safest asset classes you can own long term as long as you invest in a good location with a robust economy. The thing with land is they’re not making any more of it 🙂

Using leverage can easily double our money in less than 5 years. The only downside is that if prices fall, we risk the chance of being underwater. However, as long as we can ride out the bear markets and continue to pay our mortgages on time we should still do fairly well in the long run. Even in the US despite housing prices falling significantly during the last recession, prices are still higher today in 2014 than a decade ago. Real estate investing isn’t for everyone, but if you want to become financially successful then it might be one of the best purchases you can ever make. That’s not to say people can’t become rich by renting, but 97% of millionaires are home owners according to the well respected authors behind “Millionaire Next Door.” Somehow I don’t think that’s a coincidence. 😉

How to directly invest in real estate

There’s honestly too much to go over on this one page for first time real estate investors who are looking to get into the market. For what it’s worth how I did my initial research is type into Google “buying real estate in BC” You can replace “BC” with your own province or state. Then spend an hour or so to click and read through all 10 or 20 links on the first page, and maybe even some more on the next page. You’d be amazed at what you can learn on the internet. But here are the basics you need to know (the following applies to real estate investing in Canada. Other countries may require different or additional steps or considerations.)

  1. Figure out what the purpose of your real estate is mainly used for (Investing? To live in? Both? For your Business? Storage? Vacation home?)
  2. Figure out what kind of property you’d like to buy (Condo, house, retail, restaurant, other types of commercial property, etc)
  3. Figure out all the criteria you’re looking for (Near public transportation, allows pets, allows rentals, large backyard)
  4. Find a real estate agent or company in your area to help you find properties to view. You can easily find realtors by typing into Google Maps “realtors in Toronto” for example, but replace “Toronto” with your own city. Some real estate agents are specialized. So for example, you would not want a residential realtor to help you look for a commercial property.
  5. If you require a mortgage, contact a mortgage broker or a representative from your bank. You can shop around for the lowest rate.
  6. Once you found a place you like, submit an offer via your realtor. The closing date on your offer should be at least 4 weeks later to give your lender plenty of time to approve your loan. Make sure to include a subject to financing if you require a mortgage.
  7. Find a lawyer, or ask your realtor to recommend one for you. Sign the completion papers and you’re done.
  8. (optional) rent out your property to generate income

Special Note on Foreign Real Estate. It’s very easy to buy far away properties today with the help of the internet. Purchase agreements can be emailed, printed, signed, and scanned so the entire transaction process can be done without leaving your home. Even if you live in Vancouver, you could easily buy a condo in Toronto today if you have an internet connection and an email address. The only thing is you’ll have to go to a lawyer’s office to sign the final documents when it’s time to close on the deal. The offer I made on a rural property in 2012 was all done through email because the land was over 1600 Km away (1000 miles.) The lawyer in Saskatchewan also sent me forms to sign via email, and I just emailed him back after I printed them out and signed them. In my case I needed the help of a local notary public to notarize the papers but it’s not hard. But here are some important information to consider when buying distant property.  If you plan to buy RE outside of your own province then the lawyer you use to purchase the property should be from the jurisdiction that the property resides in. For example, I live in BC, so when buying my farm in Saskatchewan I found a lawyer in Regina, SK to handle the legal proceedings because only lawyers and solicitors who work in Saskatchewan can have access to the provincial bar to request land title changes, etc. The real estate agent should also be from the area of where you want to buy. In my case the realtor knew the area well and has experience dealing with agricultural properties. If you need a loan then again, ideally you want to also deal with a bank branch or lender close the property. This may not always be possible however. For example if I wanted to buy a house in the US, most lenders down there will not finance my purchase because I don’t have a US social security number or any US employment history. So in that case I will need to find a lender in Canada instead before I plan to buy a vacation home south of the border 🙂 With my farmland though, it was much easier because at least it’s still within Canada. I secured a loan with TD, and because TD branches are everywhere in Canada I just had to talk with a local lending representative in Vancouver BC, and he contacted someone in one of their Saskatchewan branches to secure my 25 year loan on the farm.

Indirect ways to invest in real estate

You can buy something called a REIT (Real Estate Investment Trust) from any discount broker. I recommend no less than $1,000 when buying your first REIT. REITs are essentially a holding company, that could be private or publicly traded, that manage real estate assets. For example, one of the REITs I own is RioCan, one of the largest in Canada. They own the buildings of many shopping centres including locations occupied by Walmart and Shoppers Drug Mart. RioCan makes money from renting out their property. REITs often specialize in certain segments of the markets. Some, like RioCan, primarily on commercial real estate, while others manage office buildings, or residential apartments. REITs are known for their high distribution, which is usually a mix of dividends and capital gains, and their performance is more representative of the real estate market rather than the stock market index. Examples: Dundee, Calloway, RioCan, Boardwalk.

A Real Estate Operating Company (REOC) is like a REIT, except it reinvests any profit it makes instead of paying cash back to shareholders. REOCs generally have more growth potential than REITs, but have very small yields, or often one at all. Examples: Morguard Corporation, Mainstreet Equity.

A Mortgage Investment Company (MIC) invests in real estate via financing instead of ownership. MICs lend money to buyers and developers, and all the interest they make is distributed back to their investors and they typically have a relatively high yield. MICs are kind of like short term, high yield bonds which are secured by real property. Examples: Firm Capital, Timbercreek, Trez. There are also private MICs.

My personal experience with real estate investing….

Unlike some people who got started with stocks my investing journey began with real estate. After landing my first job in 2008 I wanted to make the most out of my savings. And being 21 years old with a career I wanted to move out from my parent’s home and live independently which means I had to either rent or buy. With low interest rates at the time monthly carrying cost of owning an apartment was cheaper than renting a comparative place. Over the last few decades Vancouver real estate has been increasing on average by more than 5% a year, and I believed that it would keep going up in the future. So buying my own pad just seemed like the obvious thing to do. In Canada you need at a 5% down payment minimum to buy your first home. I aggressively saved over 90% of my take home pay that year while still living with my parents. Luckily my folks didn’t charge me rent despite how I was making an income (^_^) By early 2009 I had saved up $15,000 and that’s when I bought my first investment; a two bedroom condo for $230,000.

Because $15,000 only represented about 6.5% of the purchase price I had to buy CMHC mortgage insurance. Lots of people told me I should save for at least a 20% down payment so I don’t have to pay the 2% insurance premium. I see their point but it would probably take me at least another 2 years to save up to a 20% down payment. And if real estate continues to go up by 5% a year, then isn’t it better to buy now and pay the 2% extra on my mortgage rather than wait and pay 10% more for the same apartment two years later? Even if we assume a more modest 1% price appreciation per year, which is even lower than the average historic inflation rate, then the same apartment would still be 2% higher anyway, except I would have spent a whole lot of money in the meantime renting and helping someone else pay off their mortgage instead of building equity for myself. Real estate investing works because the value of land can never goes to zero. Rather it tends to go up in value over time, especially in urban cities, where the population is growing but there’s no more land for expansion. If we assume a conservative low to normal economic growth environment, then it just doesn’t make sense for me to save for a 20% down payment from a mathematical point of view. Hoping for a correction or waiting for a price drop is just speculative in nature. Trying to time the real estate market is like trying to time the stock market. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it’s better to just get into the market ASAP 😀 As the saying goes – don’t wait to buy real estate, buy real estate and then wait.

How has my property performed so far since I bought it? Just by simply applying the annual inflation rate (CPI) to the purchase price of my condo over the years it is now worth $254,000. This means it’s worth $24,000 more than what I bought it for. I initially bought my place with only $15,000 as mentioned earlier, and now it is worth $24,000 more. That’s 160% return on investment over 5 years, or roughly 21% return per year. Not too shabby eh?  The secret is in the leverage. I only paid 6.5% of the total cost in order to own the entire condo, but 100% of the condo’s current and future appreciation all goes back to me. Pretty sweet deal :0) Furthermore the $254,000 price I determined for the present value is a very conservative estimate based on inflation. This year’s government assessed value, as well as the market value of my condo is actually much higher than that. Good thing I didn’t wait until I had a 20% down payment, otherwise I would just be playing catch up as prices in Vancouver have gone up for 4 consecutive years from early 2009 which means I’d have to save increasingly more to keep up with the growing prices.  In 2011 my condo’s assessment was already at $270,000. So because I bought my place early, all that extra value has been added to my own equity instead of someone else’s. I was fortunate that local housing prices has gone up since my purchase. But even if demand had stayed the same my condo would have gone up 2% a year anyway just from inflation. Waiting for a housing correction is like fighting an uphill battle because every year, simply based on math and statistics there’s a bigger chance of a price increase than a price decrease. My suggestion for anyone who is currently renting in a large Canadian or US city who doesn’t plan to move around a lot is to consider buying a property as soon as they can come up with the minimum down payment :0) There’s always the chance home prices will be lower in the next couple of years compared to today, but there’s an even bigger chance that in 5 years from now prices will be higher. I have a lot of high risk investments but even I am not brave enough to try and time the housing market lol.

As with any other real estate with multiple bedrooms I can theoretically rent out the spare room, which I’m currently using as my computer room. Right now my cash flow isn’t very tight so I prefer to have the space and privacy of the entire apartment to myself, but if I fall on financially hard times, it’s always good to know that I can make an extra $500 a month from renting out my second bedroom and have room mate :0)

In terms of REITs, I currently own Allied Properties (AP.UN) RioCan (REI.UN), Annaly Capital Management (NLY) and Calloway (CWT.UN) in my stock portfolio.

I also own a handful of MICs, including 300 shares of Timbercreek Mortgage Investment Corp (TMC on the Toronto Stock Exchange) and $10,000 in an Antrim mortgage fund.


78 thoughts on “Real Estate Investing

  1. Spencer

    The thing with land is they’re making any more of it.
    Did you mean they aren’t any making more of it or they are making more of it? :p

    By the way, you’ve inspired me to start a financial progress blog of my own! 😀 I’m 19 and trying to make $1million/be financially free by the time im 30/35 😀

    1. Liquid Independence Post author

      Thanks for catching that mistake. The earlier you start the earlier you can finish 🙂 I wish I had begin my journey to financial freedom at 19 as well. I also think creating a blog will keep you accountable and focused on your long term goals so it’s great what you’re doing (^_^) Maybe we can even share investment ideas later on :0)

    2. Don

      What you do is you start by flipping houses. You can even live in the houses until you sell. Then just find another, rinse and repeat about 10 times, making a profit off each… that’s step 1. Then the other 11 steps are at my website so go there scroll down about 1/4 of the way to read the other 11 steps. Trust me, you have the right idea, so stick to that plan. Good luck!

  2. sterling

    Great article. One thing you missed touching on is to watch out if you don’t have the 20% or larger down payment. My reason is historical and it’s also happening now…interest rates rising…. You might be okay initially but when you go to renew a mortgage and you have such little equity in your home, the higher payments can crush you. As always the deeper the pockets the better. Weigh the risk and make sure you have a plan B… don’t borrow against your home to do things like have a vacation or buy a boat or a car… just type in google “1980’s housing recession”. All in all though great information! Cheers!! 😀

  3. Justin

    Here in our country Philippines, real estate is really getting in demand!

  4. Alberta Hamano

    Wow! Great information, thank you 🙂

  5. BuyPlaya Akumal Real Estate

    I personally like your real estate article.

  6. Playa del Carmen Real Estate

    great article although this one is quite old but still informative.

  7. Mangrove Realty

    Great source of information..
    Investing in real estate has become increasingly popular over the last 50 years and has become a common investment vehicle.

    Although the real estate market has plenty of opportunities for making big gains, buying and owning real estate is a lot more complicated than investing in stocks and bonds.

  8. Bryan Bulger

    Great Share!!

    Real estate is not something to do on a whim. Investing in real estate is a life long pursuit to take control of your financial future – not a get-rich quick scheme. As an investor – you will struggle. You will make mistakes. You will fail. The successful investors are the ones who can take those experiences and turn them into lessons to improve their skills.

  9. Mayra

    Great Information. Thanks for sharing with us. Rental properties normally appreciate in value with inflation. Increased value can mean sale and reinvestment in higher value properties, or provide an equity line of credit to use for other investments. This is the second, and a historically proven, value component of real estate investment return.

  10. Shweta

    Great information. Thanks for sharing. This is what all are looking for . Investments in Real estate pays off in long term for sure.

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  12. Shweta

    Real estate investing is a great plan for good return if followed with sensible timing.This blog has lot of information related which will be helpful for people related. I too am looking to invest and found this interesting. Thanks for the share.Like the information about Real estate investing.

  13. Paul Gulbronson

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  14. Dale

    Investing in real estate has become increasingly popular over the last fifty years and has become a common investment vehicle. This blog help us to avoid common mistakes that we do at the time of property investing. Thanks for sharing this blog!!!

  15. Steve Methiew

    Real estate now in its peak which means you can make handsome amount of money if you invest in a right place

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    Nice blog, Such a really great information.

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    The concept of property ownership is deeply ingrained in societal norms and legal frameworks. Property rights confer individuals with the authority to use, possess, and transfer real estate assets. However, property ownership also entails responsibilities, such as property maintenance, tax obligations, and adherence to community regulations. Disputes over property rights can arise due to boundary disputes, easements, or conflicting claims to ownership.skilled tradies

  41. messi

    Unless you’re purchasing property with cash, you’ll need to secure financing for your real estate investments. Shop around for the best mortgage rates and terms, and consider working with a mortgage broker to explore your options. Real Estate Palmdale CA

  42. Adam

    In a weekend or two, you can get your home to a place where it looks so much better and more modern, so that is really something that you are going to want to think about. You should particularly pay attention to any areas where there is cracking or peeling paint. Industrial Property

  43. Adam

    Investing in real estate can offer various avenues for generating income and building wealth. From rental properties providing a steady stream of cash flow to fix-and-flip ventures aimed at capitalizing on market appreciation, investors employ diverse strategies to achieve their financial objectives within the real estate sector. müüa moodulmaja

  44. messi

    Despite its importance, accessing affordable housing remains a challenge for many. Factors such as rising housing costs, stagnant wages, discriminatory practices, and limited supply contribute to the affordability crisis faced by millions worldwide. Alternative housing

  45. zack

    Property rights confer individuals with the authority to use, possess, and transfer real estate assets. However, property ownership also entails responsibilities, such as property maintenance, tax obligations, and adherence to community regulations. Punta del Este Real Estate

  46. mesi

    The time frame for selling commercial real estate can vary depending on factors such as market conditions, location, property type, and pricing strategy. On average, it may take several months to a year to complete a sale. Sell Your Commercial Real Estate

  47. lisa

    Real estate investing has become increasingly popular as individuals and institutions look to diversify their investment portfolios. This can involve direct investments in physical properties or indirect investments through real estate investment trusts (REITs) and real estate investment funds. The allure of real estate investing lies in its potential for generating passive income, capital appreciation, and tax advantages. However, like all investments, real estate comes with its own set of risks and challenges, including market volatility, liquidity issues, and the need for substantial capital outlay.Punta del Este Real Estate

  48. Sarah

    Property rights grant individuals the power to utilize, own, and exchange tangible assets like real estate. Nonetheless, owning property also comes with duties like upkeep, tax payments, and compliance with local regulations.Gulberg Residencia

  49. messi

    Peru’s stable economy and ongoing infrastructure projects create favorable conditions for land investment. With increasing urbanization and demand for housing and commercial space, land prices are expected to appreciate in the long term. land for sale in peru

  50. lisa

    Real estate investment offers various strategies, from buying and holding properties for rental income to flipping properties for quick profits. Each strategy requires a different set of skills, knowledge, and resources. Long-term investors often focus on properties with strong fundamentals, such as good location, quality construction, and stable rental income, aiming for gradual appreciation and steady cash flow. On the other hand, short-term investors or flippers seek properties that are undervalued or in need of renovation, aiming to enhance their value quickly through improvements and sell them for a profit. The choice of investment strategy depends on market conditions, individual goals, and risk tolerance.cabinet makers

  51. mesi

    A building inspection is a thorough examination of a property’s condition. It is typically conducted by a qualified professional who assesses the structure, systems, and components of the building. The main purpose of a building inspection is to identify any existing or potential problems that could affect the property’s safety, functionality, or value. Building inspections Perth

  52. messi

    In seller financing, the buyer makes payments directly to the seller, often securing the property with a promissory note and a mortgage or deed of trust. This method can facilitate quicker transactions and provide flexible terms. installment sale vs seller financing

  53. steve

    I read your post, and you shared some valuable information! It’s true that many new investors are drawn to real estate because they believe it offers stability and future appreciation. For newcomers, the most important factors are deciding where to invest, what type of property to choose, and whether their real estate agent is trustworthy and knowledgeable. Making informed decisions is crucial to ensure success in the real estate market. Atlanta Investment Properties

  54. mesi

    When you’re buying or selling a home, the process can be overwhelming, and one critical step that often gets overlooked is the home inspection. A total home inspection is an essential part of real estate transactions, ensuring that buyers and sellers are aware of the property’s condition. But what exactly does a home inspection involve, and why is it so important? In this article, we’ll dive into the details of total home inspections, their importance, and how they benefit both parties in a transaction. Building inspection Perth

  55. steven

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  56. mesi

    A house values calculator is an online tool that estimates your home’s market value by analyzing various data points. You typically enter basic information, like the property’s address, square footage, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, and the overall condition. Based on this information, the calculator provides a value range, giving you an idea of your property’s worth. how much is my home worth Canada

  57. messi]

    The demand for rental apartments in Sharjah is expected to remain high as the emirate continues to grow. Renting directly from owners offers more flexibility, making it a favorable choice for individuals and families seeking adaptable housing solutions. To make your move-in hassle-free, complete all paperwork ahead of time, make arrangements for utilities, and inspect the property to confirm that everything is in order before signing the lease. Apartments for Rent in Sharjah Directly from Owner

  58. Steve

    Your post on real estate financing options is incredibly helpful! Many first-time buyers get overwhelmed by the choices. I particularly appreciated your breakdown of FHA loans. Are there any lesser-known programs that buyers should consider? Looking forward to your future tips and insights!

  59. messi]

    They also provide pest inspections, identifying any unwanted critters that could cause significant damage over time. Early detection can save you from costly repairs down the road. For those looking to sell their homes, Total Home Inspections offers vendor inspections. These assessments prepare sellers for buyer scrutiny by highlighting necessary repairs or improvements. Building inspector Perth

  60. mesi

    The Woodlands boasts a strong sense of community, with neighbourhood events and activities that bring residents together. It’s an ideal place for families, offering top-rated schools, safe streets, and numerous parks and recreational facilities. Houston real estate agent

  61. mesi

    If the financing includes a large balloon payment, the seller must report the income in the year the payment is received, which could result in a significant tax liability. For detailed advice tailored to specific circumstances, it’s always recommended to consult a tax professional or an accountant familiar with real estate transactions and IRS rules. how to sell a house by owner in Washington State

  62. mesi

    A lease agreement is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms under which a property is rented. It covers critical details like rent amount, lease duration, and the rights and responsibilities of both parties. Without a proper lease agreement, misunderstandings can arise, leading to disputes. These agreements serve as a blueprint for a smooth landlord-tenant relationship and provide legal protection. Lease Agreements

  63. mesi

    Embracing this change means recognizing its impact on communities throughout Michigan. The state’s journey reflects broader trends toward acceptance and integration of cannabis into daily life. As we move forward together, it’s essential to stay informed about developments that shape this exciting industry while advocating for responsible use and regulations. Cannabis Properties Michigan

  64. messi

    If you’re investing, look for areas with high tourist appeal or upcoming developments that signal growth. Major events, like the construction of new infrastructure or cultural hubs, can boost property values. Be cautious of older properties—they might have charm, but they could also require significant renovations. Ensure you factor these costs into your budget before purchasing. home in Spain for sale

  65. messi

    Moreover, these models serve as valuable marketing tools for property sellers as they attract more interest from prospective clients. In this collaborative process between buyers and architects, everyone benefits from clear communication and shared visions. Architectural model makers play a crucial role for buyers in the real estate market. They transform conceptual designs into tangible representations, allowing potential homeowners to visualize their future living spaces. architectural model makers

  66. Maxi

    Real estate investing is a smart way to build wealth, especially in booming locations like Cebu City. With the demand for properties rising, finding a House and lot for sale in Cebu City can be a great opportunity for both investors and homebuyers. The city’s rapid development, thriving economy, and increasing property values make it a prime spot for real estate growth. Whether you’re looking to flip houses or rent them out, Cebu’s market offers plenty of potential. Just be sure to do thorough research and work with trusted agents to secure the best deals. Real estate success starts with informed decisions!

  67. Steve

    Technology is transforming the real estate industry! From smart home automation to virtual tours, digital advancements are making buying, selling, and investing more convenient. Smart features not only increase property value but also enhance energy efficiency and security. It’s exciting to see how real estate tech continues to evolve. Thanks for highlighting these innovations that are shaping the future of homeownership!
    Dubai Homes Sale

  68. Aima

    First-time homebuyers should explore loan assistance programs. Many governments offer grants, low-interest loans, and tax benefits to make homeownership more accessible. Researching available programs can help save money on your purchase.
    Houses in Ankara for Sale

  69. Steve

    Selling a home can be challenging, but strategic pricing and home staging can attract buyers quickly. Small upgrades like fresh paint, landscaping, and decluttering can make a big difference in how a property is perceived. A skilled real estate agent can also help market your home effectively. Have you ever had success selling a home above the asking price?
    Düsseldorf und Umgebung

  70. maryam

    Great insights! With market trends shifting, do you think now is a better time to invest in rental properties or focus on flipping?

  71. david chris

    This property is perfect for outdoor enthusiasts! The large lot size, wooded area, and nearby trails make it ideal for nature lovers. The home itself is cozy and well-maintained, with a fireplace and spacious deck. Whether you’re looking for a weekend retreat or a permanent residence, this property offers endless possibilities. A great option for those seeking peace and tranquility. Don’t hesitate to schedule a viewing!
    Paul Ellis Real Estate


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